الامارات المسافرون العرب

أكتشف العالم بين يديك المسافرون العرب أكبر موقع سياحي في الخليج و الوطن العربي ، يحتوى على أكبر محتوى سياحي 350 ألف استفسار و نصائح عن السفر و السياحة, 50 ألف تقرير سياحي للمسافرون العرب حول العالم و أكثر من 50 ألف من الاماكن السياحية و انشطة وفعاليات سياحية ومراكز تسوق وفنادق، المسافرون العرب هو دليل المسافر العربي قبل السفر و اثناء الرحلة. artravelers.com ..
22-08-2022 - 08:25 pm
شباب انا سمعت عن كتاب التخفيضات وش قصة هالكتاب وهل يستاهل وماذا يشمل من العروض ياليت تعطونياه بتفصيل_تحياتي

التعليقات (9)
نفس السؤال اود طرحه سبقتني اخوي محمد فعلا الذي لديه معلومات عن هذا الكتاب لايبخل علينا
وعندي سؤال بسيط عدد الافراد تقريبا 9 هل استطيع ان اشتري كتابين وبذلك استخدم اكثر من 3 كوبونات في وقت واحد (لاني سمعت ان لكل شركة 3 كوبونات في الكتاب الواحد )
جزاكم الله الف خير

عربيه وأفتخر
عربيه وأفتخر
في اللنك الي في توقيعي شئ موضوع متكامل عن دبي
ويتكلم عن الكتاب بعد

المسافر الملول
المسافر الملول
عربيه وأفتخر
بارك الله فيج اختي (عربية وافتخر)
اخوي السائل
ترى الكتاب يسوى ونص
ومفيد جداً خصوصا للعوائل الكبيرة منها والصغيرة
العام اخذته ب 295 درهم وطلعت قيمته في يوم واحد فقط
والسنة بإذن الله بشتريه
وايد عجيب
وللتحكم بالميزانية بطريقة جميلة وعبقرية

وين احصل الكتاب انا من اهل القصيم
في المطار موجود ؟

مشكورين على ردودكم وتعاليقكم والله ماقصرتو وخوي فلاح مايوجد الكتاب بالممكله حسب مافهمت عنه_تحياتي

أم جاد
أم جاد
عندي سؤال هل متوفر الكتاب في مطار دبي ؟ علشان نشتريه اول مانوصل بدل مانطلع ندور عليه بالسوبر ماركتز او محلات الكتب

عربيه وأفتخر
عربيه وأفتخر
  1. كم فاوتشر موجود لكل مطعم او مكان ترفيهي موجود بالكتاب ؟

  2. من اين استطيع شراء الكتاب ؟

  3. ‎وهذه القائمه الكامله بالآماكن المشموله في كتاب التخفيضات :

  4. Noodle House,The

  5. 2Marina Street Kitchen

  6. 3D International Restaurant

  7. Al Balad Restaurant

  8. Al Bandar Restaurant

  9. Al Dahleez Restaurant

  10. Al Dana

  11. Al Dana Restaurant

  12. Al Forsan

  13. Al Jazira

  14. Al Makan Restaurant

  15. Al Mansour Dhow

  16. Al Manzil Restaurant

  17. Al Merkaaz

  18. Al Saffa

  19. Andiamo

  20. Assia in Wok

  21. Atrium

  22. azur

  23. Processing your request

  24. Baharat

  25. Baker & Spice

  26. BarÁa.Club

  27. Barryís Bench

  28. Bertís

  29. Biella

  30. Billy Blues

  31. Bistro Madeleine

  32. Black Canyon

  33. Blades

  34. Boardwalk, The

  35. Bobís Easy Diner

  36. Bocadillo

  37. Boulvar

  38. Brasserie, The

  39. Brauhaus

  40. Butcher Shop & Grill,The

  41. Cactus Cantina

  42. Cactus Jacks

  43. CafÈ Arabesque

  44. Cafe Gazebo

  45. Cafe Kranzler

  46. Cafe sushi

  47. California Pizza Kitchen

  48. Californian, The

  49. Cantina Mariachi

  50. Carinoís

  51. Carluccioís

  52. Carpe Diem

  53. Cavendish, The

  54. Centro Citta

  55. Channels

  56. Chhappan Bhog

  57. Chef's house

  58. Chimes

  59. Chinese Pavilion,The

  60. Chop Chop

  61. Chopstix

  62. Chor bazaar

  63. ChuckE.Cheese's

  64. Counter culture

  65. Cultures

  66. Curry on

  67. Da Shi Dai

  68. Danat Dubai Cruises

  69. Der Keller

  70. Don Camillo

  71. Dunes CafÈ

  72. El Chico

  73. Elements

  74. Elia

  75. Epicure

  76. Fish & Chips Room, The

  77. Fish Bazaar

  78. Fish 'n' Chips

  79. Five Dining

  80. Flavours of Asia

  81. Fountain, The

  82. French Connection

  83. Gallery,The

  84. Gem Garden,The

  85. Go West

  86. Gusto

  87. Hai Tao

  88. Harry's Bistro

  89. Haru Robatayaki

  90. Hey Pesto

  91. Ibn Majed

  92. India Palace

  93. Indian Pavilion, The

  94. Jeema

  95. Jigsaw

  96. Jimmy's Killer Prawns

  97. Junction,The

  98. Just Orient

  99. KGrill

  100. Kaleidoscope

  101. Kebab Connection, The

  102. Kosebasi

  103. La Cabana

  104. La Moda

  105. La Palmeraie

  106. La Piazza

  107. La Traviata

  108. La Veranda

  109. Le Ble

  110. Lemongrass

  111. Leon

  112. Lounge , The

  113. Luigi's

  114. Maarid Restaurant

  115. Manga Sushi

  116. Mango Tree Bistro

  117. Market CafÈ,The

  118. Marzano

  119. Masala Craft

  120. MBCo

  121. MerCurries

  122. MezzaLuna

  123. Minato

  124. Momento CafÈ Restaurant

  125. Mozaique

  126. Nando's

  127. Nanking

  128. Napoletana

  129. Noodle Factory

  130. Noodle Factory-Wafi

  131. Organic Foods & CafÈ

  132. OrientPavilionThe

  133. Outback Steakhouse

  134. Palermo Restaurant , The

  135. Pane Caldo

  136. Paul

  137. Piacere del Gusto

  138. Pizza Company , The

  139. Planet Hollywood Dubai

  140. PQ (Le Pain Quotidien)

  141. Ribs & Rumps

  142. Roadster diner

  143. Sai Dham

  144. Sapphire, The

  145. Sarai

  146. Scoozi

  147. Senses

  148. Sensi

  149. Sezzam

  150. Shabestan

  151. Shahjahan

  152. Shahrzad

  153. Shark Bites

  154. Shooters

  155. Siamin

  156. Sicilia

  157. Sizzler

  158. Spikes

  159. Sports CafÈ

  160. St.Maxim's

  161. Steam Sum Dim Sum

  162. Stefanoís

  163. Stonegrill Dining

  164. Sukh Sagar

  165. Sumibiya

  166. Sumo Sushi & Bento

  167. Sushi Folie

  168. Tandoori Kebabs & Curries

  169. The Big Easy

هو عباره عن كتاب فاوتشرات من آجمل ما وقع عليه عيني :) لآنه وفرلي شي كثير
فكره الكتاب عباره عن كوبونات خصم توفر لك 50 من كل شي تدفعه بنظام Buy one Get one
ايش يعني الكلام الخرابيط دا كله ههه . آنا اشرح لك
الكتاب فيه كوبونات خصم . نظامها . اشتري تذكره وخذ الثانيه مجانا . او اشتري وجبه طعام وخذ الثانيه مجانا
يعني كمثال توضيحي . انت رايح الوايلد وادي انت وصاحبك . تشتري تذكرتك على حسابك وتقدم الكوبون حق الخصم يقوم الرجال يعطيك تذكره صاحبك مجانا . وعاد تذكرتك تقطوها بينكم ههه
مثال اخر . رحت انت برجر كنج وكنت جيعان . وطلبت اي وجبه من برجر كنج . وقدمت الكوبون الفاوتشر حق الخصم . راح تاخذ وجبه ثانيه زيها مجانا في وقتها
باختصار . الكتاب يوفر انت وصاحبك او حتى لو كنتوا قروب يوفرلك 50 في الميه من النقفات الخاصه بالآكل والتماشي لآن كل شي تشتروه حتاخذوا الثاني مجانا . والكتاب شامل اغلب مطاعم دبي واغلب الآماكن الترفيهيه في دبي

كم فاوتشر موجود لكل مطعم او مكان ترفيهي موجود بالكتاب ؟

ج : يوجد 3 فاوتشرات لكل مطعم او مكان ترفيهي موجود بالكتاب تستطيع استخدامها على مره واحده لو كنتم مثلا 6 اشخاص . 3 يدفعوا و3 يدخلوا او ياكلوا مجانا . او تستطيع استخدامها على 3 مرات لو انتوا مثلا شخصين كل مره تستخدموا فاوتشر
هنا نقطه اود توضيحها . الكتاب اكثر من رائْع ولكن به عيب بسيط في بعض الآماكن .
اغلب الآماكن التي تذهب اليها تحصل على تذكره مجانيه مقابل كل تذكره تشتريها . ولكن في بعض الاماكن فآن الكتاب يشرط عليك شراء وجبه معينه مثلا لكي تحصل على وجبه مثلها . مثلا :
في كنتاكي مثلا توجد 3 فاوتشرات كباقي الآمكان في الكتاب ولكنها محدده بشرط

اول فاوتشر .. خد وجبه زنجر ،،، والثانيه مجانا ... يعني ما تقدر تستخدم هذا الفاوتشر الا لو تبغى زنجر
الفاوتشر الثاني ... خذ وجبه قطع دجاج والثانيه مجانا !!
الفاوتشر الثالث ... خذ اي وجبه عشاء تبغاها والثانيه مجاناً .. لاحظ كلمه عشاء
وبنفس الطريق سكي دبي
3 فاوتشرات مختلفه عن بعضها البعض :
فاوتشر خاص بدروس التعليم ... درس والثاني مجاناً
وفاوتشر خاص بالحديقه الثلجيه .. تذكره والثانيه مجانا
وفاوتشر خاص بالمنحدر الرئيسي ... تذكره والثانيه مجانا
على العكس تماما في برجر كنج . تآتيك 3 فاوتشرات متطابقه وبدون شرط
‎كلها خذ وجبه والثانيه مجانا ... انت حر ... وماهو لازم تكون الوجبتين زي بعض ... وبيتزا هت وبابا جونز بنفس الطريقه
والوايلد وادي بنفس الطريقه . 3 فاوتشرات كل فاوتشر يعطيك تذكره مجانا .
مثلا انه شخصين . واحد يدفع تذكره والثاني يستخدم الفاوتشر ويدخل مجانا
ولو انه 6 اشخاص . تشتروا 3 تذاكر بس وتستخدوا ال3 فاوتشرات لدخول ال3 اشخاص الباقين مجانا .
بالنسبه للمطاعم الكاجوال اللي ماهي فاست فود .
‎كل فاوتشر يحذف لك قيمه احدى الطلبات (الاقل سعرا) ‎اذا استخدموا الكوبون يخصم قيمه الطلب الآقل سعرا يعني ‎مثلاشخصين بياكلوا ... واحد طلب دجاج ب50 والثاني طلب ستيك ب40 ‎
يتم حذف سعر الوجبه الآقل سعرا من الفاتوره ( في هذا المثال يتم حذف سعر الستيك 40 درهم(
كم مده صلاحيه الكتاب ؟
ج : عام كامل . يعني مثلا من اول يوم من عام 2010 الى اخر يوم من عام 2010
كم سعر الكتاب ؟
ج : 295 درهم
وجدت بالموقع كتبا اخرى غير كتاب التخفيضات The entertainer Family . هل اشتريها ؟
ج : توجد 3 كتب اخرى وهي
The Entertainer Fine Dining .The Entertainer Kids .
The Entertainer AbuDhabi .
ولكن انا افضلها الكتاب الذي ذكرته لكم The entertainer Family
حيث ان الكتب الاخرى احدها مخصص للآطفال فقط واخر مخصص للمطاعم فقط اما الكتاب الذي ذكرته لكم The entertainer Family فهو شامل لكل ما سبق

من اين استطيع شراء الكتاب ؟

ج : ممكن تطلبوا اونلاين ويوصلوا لك هوا مجانا الى الفندق الخاص بيك (يفضل تطلب انهم يرسلوا على الفندق قبل موعد وصولك بآيام عشان لاتقعد تنساه ) او ممكن تشتريه من محلات الكتب في المولات الكبيره . او من سوبرماركتات spenis المنتشره .
الكتاب موجود في محلات كثيره في مول الامارات مثلا زي محل الكتب HALLMARK وزي Virgin وزي محل الكتب ….
انا شخص واحد مسافر . هل استطيع استخدام الفاوتشر للحصول على خصم 50 ؟
ج : لا . للاستفاده من الكتاب لابد ان تكونوا شخصين على الآقل . شخص يدفع قيمه الوجبه او قيمه التذكره كامله . والشخص الآخر يحصل على وجبه مجانيه آوتذكره مجانيه وهذا هو معنى مبدآ الكتاب
هل استطيع شراء وجبه الان . والحصول على الوجبه المجانيه لاحقا ؟
ج : لا . لابد من الحصول على الوجبه المجانيه في نفس الوقت
ارغب بالاتصال بشركه كتاب التخفيضات ؟
ج : هذا هو رقم الهاتف Tel +9714 390 2866
وهذا هو موقع الكتاب The Entertainer
وجدت بالموقع كتب اخرى
ماهي الآماكن المشموله بالكتاب ؟
الكتاب يشمل اماكن كثير اكثر من الف مكان وسيتم ذكرها بالتفصيل في اخر الرد . ولكن بالنسبه لي انا هذه هي الآماكن التي شدت اهتمامي :
‎برجر كنج
‎بيتزا هات
‎دومينوز بيتزا
‎بابا جونز
Pizza Pan
Sandwich Express
‎الوايلد وادي
‎اتلاتنس اكوافنشر واللوست شامبر
‎سكي دبي
Second Cup
Krispy Kreme
Dunkin Donuts
Coffee Republic
Coffee Bean
Central Perk
ruby teusday
Danat Dubai Cruises
Dreamland Aqua Park
Dubai Dolphinarium
Encounter Zone ملاهي اطفال
Eye of the Emirates - Qanat Al Qasba
Fun City Studio
Magic Planet - Bowling
Ski Dubai
Soolyman Sport Fishing
‎لكن الكتاب شامل اماكن اكثر بكثير

‎وهذه القائمه الكامله بالآماكن المشموله في كتاب التخفيضات :

Noodle House,The

The noodle house, a vibrant casual dining restaurant where chefs prepare aromatic South East Asian dishes within minutes over an open flame and in full view of the guests. Offering the freshest, healt...
4Seven Manhattan Restaurant
A stylish modern atmosphere serving you multi ñ cuisine buffet & a la carte with live music.

2Marina Street Kitchen

Chef Surasing Viratskul or simply referred to as Chef X, was inspired at an early age to cook whilst at his family-owned restaurant in Thailand. His love for cooking and his appreciation for home-cook...

3D International Restaurant

Offering a fusion of international cuisine , 3D stands for Dine, Design and Diverse. A restaurant that defines the taste of this multicultural city, 3D International Restaurant is located on the 46th ...

Al Balad Restaurant

Under the magnificent Burj Dubai ñ the tallest tower in the world ñ lays Al Balad restaurant. Its location in this exclusive neighbourhood, under the most fantastic example of human engineering, makes...

Al Bandar Restaurant

Dubai was once a small fishing port, full of the hustle and bustle of fishing and the fish trade. This heritage is being kept very much alive by Al Bandar Restaurant with its exquisite selection of se...

Al Dahleez Restaurant

Far from the hustle and bustle of Dubaiís busy Garhoud streets lies Al Dahleez Restaurant-the perfect hideaway to take a break from demanding daily schedules experienced by those who work in the cosmo...

Al Dana

This restaurant offers a great variety of exquisite international buffets for breakfast, lunch and dinner. An a la carte menu is also available throughout the day. The perfect venue to start and finis...

Al Dana Restaurant

The restaurant's offers an elegant atmosphere with its high backed seats, and marble-glazed flooring that creates a warm classic setting. Al Dana offers a selection of fine delectable cuisines by our ...

Al Forsan

Overlooking the Arabian Desert. Al Forsan Restaurant offers a *******ing friendly ambience to those who want to spend quality time with their family and enjoy an exquisite buffet for breakfast, lunch...
ring ring
Al Fresco
A wide selection of Italian pizzas, pastas and Dubaiís best Tiramisu. Timings: 12 noon-11pm daily. Garden Terrace open during cooler months. Seating : 48 people. Casual dress. 800-CROWNE (276963)

Al Jazira

ï Traditional Arabian set-up with belly dancing and shisha. ï Lebanese a la carte delicacies. ï Located on lobby level of the Arabesque Villa adjacent to the kidís club and La Fortezza Italian Group R...

Al Makan Restaurant

What better way to enjoy yourself, than to stop at Al Makan. Located on the Ground Floor of Dubai Mall Al Makan provides shoppers with a memorable experience no one else can offer. Our terrace offers...

Al Mansour Dhow

For an adventure of fine food, good music and a tatse of a traditional dhow, try our daily and nightly cruises on the legendary Al Mansour Dhow, for a full ñ service bar and the best way to see the si...

Al Manzil Restaurant

Located at Ras Al Khamaihís premier business hotel, the Al MAnzil Restaurant offers delicious International fayre with friendly and efficient service. From a Power Breakfast and fast lunch, to a more ...

Al Merkaaz

If you want to have the time of your life at Dubai Media City, Al Merkaaz Restaurant is the place to meet. Located on the ground floor of Al Thuraya Tower, the restaurant offers fine dining, private d...

Al Saffa

ï An international, 24-hour restaurant offering both buffet and a la carte menus. ï An ideal place for a quick bite or a lingering meal ï Located adjacent to the hotel lobby. ï Operating hours: Breakf...


With only fresh, authentic produce going into its first-class cuisine with a creative twist, Andiamoís eclectic menu features all your enduring favourites ñ whether itís wood-fired pizza, classic past...

Assia in Wok

A new restaurant concept which has revolutionized half the world , and it arrives in our country offering thousand year ñ old recipes from oriental culture, adapted to western taste. This is not any o...


Step into grand ëVenetian styleí all-day dining. The striking dÈcor with high ceiling adds extra special zest to an array of International cuisine. Opening Hours: Breakfast: 6:30a.m. - 10:30a.m. Lunch...


Overlooking the lush Raffles Botanical Garden on the third floor, the hotel all-day dining restaurant Azur features an international buffet with an abundant choice of Pan-Arabic and Asian dishes, set ...
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Baharat features an inspired selection of international buffets with an abundant choice of Arabic, Asian and European dishes. Opening Hours: 6:30 am - 11:00pm Tel: 04 399 6699 ibis Hotels: book a hotel online for a business trip or a vacation

Baker & Spice

Baker & Spice is the place for foodies who appreciate quality. The restaurant where you can shop for food offers a taste of homemade Mediterranean cooking with a Middle Eastern influence. The restaura...


A journey of discovery around the Mediterranean - through Spain, Italy, Morocco and Greece ñ Barca. Club presents dining classics with an exceptionally modern twist. Barca.Club hints at Baroque, Venet...

Barryís Bench

At Barryís , itís the total customer experience weíre after. A delectable blend of traditional & modern sophistication. The foods amaze your taste-buds with Barryís innovative & elaborate Tex-Mex offe...


Bertís CafÈ Contemporain is an upmarket French chain concept with an elegant and cosy design that offers a complete and varied range of coffee and casual meal at all times of the day. Music is careful...


ï Known as the best pizzeria in the Middle East. ï Also offers a wide range of pasta dishes and Italian main courses. ï Open daily from 9:00am ñ 11:30pm . ï Terrace seating is available throughout the...

Billy Blues

Billy Blues opened its doors in 1995 and for the past 14 years it has been serving only the finest ribs, steaks and seafood. Located in the heart of Dubai at Rydges Plaza Hotel. Billy Blues is a uniqu...

Bistro Madeleine

A traditional French cafe offering quintessential Parisian bistro experience. Enjoy French pastries, breads and bistro dishes whilst admiring the marina from the promenade. We offer an extensive wine ...
Bistro at the Holiday Inn Downtown evokes the traditional setting in the heart of downtown Dubai. It offers an endless array

Black Canyon

Welcome to Black Canyon, the temple of Thai cuisine! Serving an artful selection of delicious and healthy food from Spicy Prawn Tom Yum Soup, Pad Thai to Green Curry. Walk in to a taste of paradise an...


Set beneath a soaring 27-metre (89-foot) glass blade, Blades offers contemporary flair in a spacious, open-plan design. The menu focuses on multicultural dishes, highlighting Middle Eastern and Asian ...

Boardwalk, The

The Boardwalkís unique setting on the Creek offers a calming and relaxing way to soothe the day away, with friends, family or colleagues , whilst being treated to your favourite foods from our Interna...

Bobís Easy Diner

Welcome to a restaurant where you can rock around the clock with great fun and tasty food. Welcome to Bobís Easy Diner. Step inside and prepare for takeoff: Bobís Easy Diner is a time machine that car...


Flavours to share. Bacadillo Cafe is a joyful and cozy restaurant. We serve international cuisine, a varied selection of freshly made salads, sandwiches and platters , as well as coffee and fresh juic...


This bustling 24-hour restaurant boots extensive dishes from a superb quality a la carte menu. We have a daily International buffet ranging from local mezzah to seafood, some of the best Indian cuisin...

Brasserie, The

Bright, understated and very modern, our all-day dining restaurant is designed with the International traveller in mind. The menu offers a broad spectrum of International cuisine that has been showcas...


ï In true Bavarian style, enjoy a mouth ñ watering menu of German appetizers, speciality dishes and desserts. ï Say Cheese! On Wednesday & Thursday nights, Brauhaus offers a delicious German buffet of...

Butcher Shop & Grill,The

Inherited in South Africa in the early 1990ís, The Butcher Shop & Grill has urbanized itself over the years, and is accredited as chief for the real devoted meat eaters. Font Desk — The Butcher Shop & Grill

Cactus Cantina

Cactus Cantina opened its doors in 1992. Located in the Rydges Plaza Hotel Satwa, on the 18th Floor. Cactus Cantina thrives on good cuisine, with a good family atmosphere. The interior has a warm & re...

Cactus Jacks

Cactus Jacks now probably Dubaiís most famous Tex-Mex restaurant and late night cocktail bar. Open till late Cactus Jacks offers an extensive menu as well as Dubaiís with live fajita cooking station a...

CafÈ Arabesque

CafÈ Arabesque, a restaurant which celebrates the culinary delights of the Levantine region, is influenced by the flavours of Jordan, Lebanon and Syria. CafÈ Arabesque offers five buffet displays, an ...

Cafe Gazebo

Set in 80 acres of manicure gardens, surrounded by the majestic Hajar Mountain range and only one hourís drive from Dubai , the glass-enclosed Cafe Gazebo at the Hatta Fort Hotel overlooks one of the ...

Cafe Kranzler

The all-day dining experience for the whole family. Every evening, a different themed buffet is prepared, offering a chance to sample delicacies from all parts of the world. Additionally to the buffet...

Cafe sushi

Tradition meets innovation in the form of a revolving Sushi belt! This contemporary Japanese cafe entices diners with tantalizing delicacies, featuring a selection of uniquely crafted sushi and sashim...

California Pizza Kitchen

California Pizza Kitchen, Inc.,founded in 1985, is a leading casual dining chain featuring an imaginative line of heart-baked pizzas, including the original BBQ Chicken Pizza, and a broad selection of...

Californian, The

The Californian buffet restaurant offers many sumptuous spreads for breakfast and lunch complemented by spectacular views of both old and new Dubai. Opening Hours: Breakfast: 6:30a.m. - 10:30a.m. Lunc...

Cantina Mariachi

Entering a Cantina Mariachi restaurant means accepting an invitation to bring out the Tex-Mex side that lies within all of us and sharing the richness of healthy and happy cuisine while at the same ti...


Carinoís Italian grill is a full service Italian concept inspired from Southern Italian country recipes with appealing appetizers like the Sicilian fire sticks or the baked stuffed Mushrooms to the tr...


Carluccioís is the caffe, restaurant and foodshop founded in 1991 by Antonio and Priscilla Carluccio thatís authentically Italian, beautiful and deliciously fresh. We have explored the length and brea...

Carpe Diem

ï Open daily from 8:00 am ñ midnight. ï Belgian ñ style coffee house. ï Large selection of freshly made sandwiches and salads. ï Famous for the Belgian waffles and pancakes. ï Real hot chocolate, Belg...

Cavendish, The

Experience a city bustling with life and taste, a melting pot of cultures and cuisines! With a menu developed from a unique fusion that can only be known as the ëDubai tasteí, The Cavendish will bring...

Centro Citta

Looking for a cozy and casual place to dine tonight? Stop by and enjoy the tasty, mouthwatering flavours of Italian cuisine at Centro Citta! Relax and taste fresh Italian food made right. Let your tas...


The restaurant is an informal yet stylish all day dining serving rich and fragrant international buffets. Channels offers breakfast, lunch and dinner buffet in addition to an extensive a la carte menu...

Chhappan Bhog

The name denotes ì56 Delicaciesî and the restaurant offers a wide selection of authentic North Indian vegetarian cuisine and Chinese vegetarian cuisine. The Punjabi Thali is our speciality. Open daily...

Chef's house

Chefís House, the casual all day dining restaurant, featuring an open showcase kitchen and grill stations offering a great variety of buffet selection and a la carte with emphasis on Asian flavours. T...


Combining a selection of recipes from Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia. Chimes is Dubaiís latest destination for guests looking for a contemporary and unpretentious dining experience at a r...

Chinese Pavilion,The

The flagship 48 seat Cantonese and Szechwan Diner is a household name, tucked in the corner of Jumeirah Beach Centre, the delectable dim sums, stir fries and its numerous oriental specialities have of...

Chop Chop

ï ìChop Chopî Tea House and Restaurant offers a true taste of the Orient ï Located in Mall of the Emirates first floor above Ski Dubai ï Menu offers an eclectic culinary array from Japan, China, Thail...


ï Open for lunch and dinner right through the week from 12:00noon - 3:00p.m. and from 7:30p.m. - 1:00a.m. ï This restaurant features modern ambience which brilliantly fuses Asian and European interior...

Chor bazaar

Step inside the ëthieves marketí and enjoy Dubaiís ultimate Tandoori influenced cuisine. Chor Bazaar is a friendly , lively and high-energy restaurant offering great value for money. The signature ëIn...


ChuckE. Cheeseís features age appropriate games, rides, prizes, food and entertainment that children of all ages from toddlers to big kids will love. We also provide great food for the family includin...

Counter culture

Counter Culture can be most things to most people - a deli, bakery and cafe -a place to meet with friends or a haven in which to enjoy some solitude. The atmosphere is relaxed and open - literally, si...


Cultures is a specialty Japanese and continental restaurant concept. The captivating menu at Cultures is created based on a healthy 5 ìSî concept, which comprises soups, salads, sandwiches, sushi and ...

Curry on

Forget your traditional view of Asian food. Earthy colours, explosive flavours and bejewelled textures will define these food on offer. Curry On will take you on a journey across Asia. The menu, devel...

Da Shi Dai

The idea behind Da Shi Dai is a big one!. That big idea is smallÖ small portions of dishes from right across China, prepared with the freshest ingredients by Chinese master chefs who take their craft ...

Danat Dubai Cruises

ï Lunch and Dinner Cruises available. ï Luxury Dhow ï Cruises 7 days a week. ï Sumptuous 5-Star Arabic/ International style buffet. ï Non-alcoholic welcome drink. ï Fully air-conditioned deck and outs...

Der Keller

Iron gates and pitchforks mould themselves around the red brick arches of this popular German restaurant. Traditional authentic flavours from Berlin, Bitburg and Burgdorf are highlighted on a menu mos...

Don Camillo

Italian Trattoria Fine Dining with an Italian ‡ la carte menu. Located next to Al Shamal, lobby level, entrance from hallway. Formal only, beach attire not allowed. Opening Hours: 7:00p.m. to 11:00p.m...

Dunes CafÈ

ï Open Daily from 0600 hrs to midnight. ï Hot dishes served fresh and replenished regularly. ï All day a la carte menu also available. ï Dunes Cafe Garden Terrace is ideal during the cooler months fr...

El Chico

Enjoy authentic Mexican cuisine at Mamaís Cocina. Taste Traditional recipes of Top-Shelf Guacamole freshly made at your table, mouth-watering Burrito Con Quezo and sizzling Mexican Apple Pie served in...


At Elements, we make dining a natural experience. Pure and simple food is served in the warm surroundings of an art gallery. All our ingredients are carefully selected and prepared in a way which emph...


Indulge in an evening of contemporary Greek cuisine prepared by the Greek chefs headed by the award winning Yannis Baxevanis. Top ingredients, distinct creativity, great service and amazingly cozy env...


An innovative concept for Dubai, Epicure combines a gourmet market filled with International delicacies and fresh produce together with a relaxed yet sophisticated restaurant. The lively atmosphere, t...
Mediteranean Restaurant with emphasis on Seafood. China Court, IBN Battuta Mall Its not just food its a way of life 04 - 368 5620

Fish & Chips Room, The

AhhÖ fish, chips and mushy peas! There is nothing more British than fish and chips. Freshly cooked, piping hot fish and chips, smothered in salt and vinegar, wrapped in newspaper and eaten outdoors on...

Fish Bazaar

This delightful, Thai seafood market place restaurant conjures up a fabulous dining experience that is great fun for the whole family. How it works: take a shopping basket and choose your selection of...

Fish 'n' Chips

ï Fish and Chips the great British way. ï Open daily from 11:00 am to 1:00 am (2:00 am on Thursdays). ï Licensed ï Take-away and delivery. ï Excellent value for money. ï Outdoor seating in the winter....

Five Dining

Five Dining is an exclusive all day dining restaurant with an astonishing view of Dubai skyline. Presenting the best of world cuisines, Five Dining brings to you the complete culinary experience throu...

Flavours of Asia

Flavours of Asia brings to you a wide selection of truly Asian cuisine combined with healthy juices, special teas and alluring desserts. Tempt your palate with the diverse, distinctive and delicious t...

Fountain, The

ï Located in the light, airy atrium lobby of the Movenpick Hotel Bur Dubai. ï Live cooking stations, International cuisine and live entertainment. ï Packages with and without alcohol available. ï Open...

French Connection

ï Breakfast. ï A variety of tea & coffee. ï Fresh juices. ï Soup of the day. ï Baked potatoes. ï Chefís special hot dishes. ï Salads & sandwiches. ï Home & office delivery. ï Wireless network. ï Avail...


The all day dining restaurant ìThe Galleryî at the Burjuman Arjaan is an intimate dining experience offering the most famous flavours from Asia, Europe and Middle East in a casual elegant setting from...

Gem Garden,The

All-day dining with a difference. The Gem Gardenís minimalist Zen styling is the ideal space any time of day or night. The food, on the other hand, is anything but minimalist, with a combination of ge...

Go West

Itís the combination of sizzling platters, twanging guitars and worn leather that gives Go West its truly enduring qualities. Like stepping onto a stage set, Go West could be family fun and entertainm...
Gourmet Burger Kitchen was founded in 2000 by three New Zealanders who wanted to challenge the tradional belief that burgers were purely a ëfast foodí option. For years fast food has been extremely po...


Gusto, a Mediterranean inspired restaurant on the shores of the Palm Jumeirah, highlights cuisines from Southern France, Italy, Greece, Spain and Levant. With unmatched views of the Arabian Gulf, Gust...

Hai Tao

Discover the culinary delights of Szechwan and Cantonese cuisine in a unique setting at Hai Tao and let yourself be pampered with true Asian hospitality. The restaurant is open for dinner from 6:30p.m...

Harry's Bistro

Harryís Bistro offers an International meal experience. A quality bistro setting with meals to sumptuous options for a variety of palates. The beverage list also sizes up to the diversity of food. Wei...

Haru Robatayaki

In a market saturated with Japanese restaurants serving the traditional sushi, sashimi, teriyaki and teppanyaki dishes, Haru was the first, and remains the only casual dining restaurant to serve Robat...

Hey Pesto

Hey Pesto is a modern Mediterranean delicatessen and restaurant featuring a menu representative of the classic dishes of Italy, France, Spain and Morocco in a warm and welcoming environment. Stylish a...

Ibn Majed

Travel to an International culinary journey at the Ibn Majed restaurant located at the award-winning Jebel Ali Golf Resort & Spa within Jebel Ali Hotel. Different themed dinner menus and generous brea...

India Palace

India Palace ìThe Taste of Indiaî with its Mughlai cuisine famous for its Biryani, butter-based curries and tandoor grilled meats all served in a palatial ambience. ìDine like a Maharajaî 04 - 286 960...

Indian Pavilion, The

This 48 seater specialty restaurant located in the popular Spinneys Centre has carved for itself a special niche in the crowded Indian cuisine market of Dubai with its consistently superior quality of...


Surrounded by the majestic Hajar Mountain range and only one hourís drive from Dubai, Jeema Restaurant at Hatta Fort Hotel serves a vintage selection of favourites. Enjoy the delicacies of gourmet cui...


Puzzling over where to stage your next breakfast briefing, lunch liaison or dinner gathering? Jigsaw is the ultimate all-day-dining venue that takes meeting and greeting to the next level. Interactive...

Jimmy's Killer Prawns

The seafood restaurant that is beginning to take the world by storm. Huge platters of succulent prawns, grilled to perfection and spiced with itís addictive tasting spice to bring out the natural flav...


ï Open 24 hours, seven days a week. ï Offers a multi-cuisine a la carte menu as well as breakfast, lunch and dinner buffets. ï Speciality dishes including Asian, Indian, Italian and Arabic cuisines. ï...

Just Orient

Just Orient is a multicuisine fusion restaurant, offering a blend of various cuisines - Chinese, Thai, Korean, Japanese, Indonesian, Indian and Vietnamese. The relaxing ambience combines an easy elega...


Grilled to perfection , sumptuous fine fare and an ambience of style and elegance. Breakfast: 6:30 am until 11:30 am Dinner ( a la carte) : 06:00 pm until 11:00 Kempinski Hotel Mall of the Emirates | Dubai | Home


This inviting family restaurant offers breakfast, lunch and dinner with a focus on Mediterranean cuisine, complemented by influences of Northern Africa, Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia. The kaleidoscope ...

Kebab Connection, The

Gold Swiss-Belhotel Dubai has perfected the art of making kebabs once enjoyed by the Mughals and Persians in nomadic style for your enjoyment at The Kebab Connection. A visit to this specialty restaur...
A cozy and authentic Indian restaurant with a live band and succulent tandooris and curries. Located at the 7th floor, open for lunch and dinner. Tel: 04 355 8080 : : : : :FLASH TEST: : : :....


Since 1995, Kosebasi (pronounced Koshe-Bashi) is devoted to serve traditional Eastern-Turkish mezzes and famed grilled kebabs. Kosebasi was accredited world recognition for its rich medley savours, an...

La Cabana

A beach front restaurant with a stunning view over the sea and gardens, La Cabana serves excellent grilled steaks and seafood with garden fresh salads. This lovely garden restaurant has a lively bar a...

La Moda

The finest in Italian cuisine and ambience makes La Moda the place to be.... and be seen. Whether for parties or a casual dinner for two. It will always be the perfect night out. Come and join us for ...

La Palmeraie

A welcoming all day dining restaurant with live music offering International buffet and ‡ la carte menu to please everyone: gourmands as well as weight watchers or vegetarians. Mineral water menu is a...

La Piazza

La Piazza is an Italian restaurant designed around the theme of an authentic Italian town square, with tables and chairs arranged in an enclosed cobbled street. rustic Italian town houses overlook the...

La Traviata

La Traviata is the ideal venue for an intimate dinner or casual meeting with family and friends located at the award-winning Jebel Ali Golf Resort & Spa in Jebel Ali Hotel. Warm interiors perfectly co...

La Veranda

Casual beachside dining of food oven baked pizza, pasta and salad make La Veranda a favourite amongst sun kissed visitors. Relaxing views of gentle water lapping the spectacular yachts moored in the l...
ï International Cuisine ï Open from 8:00 am ñ 3:00 am ï Promotion: Daily breakfast 8:00 am -11:00 am for 18 dhs. Business lunch-12:00 pm ñ 4:00pm for 25 Dhs. 04 - 398 0123

Le Ble

Le BlÈ de Paris, located in the picturesque Green Community, has recently reopened under new management. A French bistrostyle restaurant, the menu contains a variety of simple and affordable dishes ra...
Le Brasserie
ï International boulevard style restaurant with live pianist every evening. ï Opening Timings: 24 hours. ï Entertainement Timings: 6:00p.m. - 10:00p.m. ï 04 266 2666


Lemongrass Restaurant offers authentic Thai cuisine with a unique blend of spicy, sweet, sour and tangy flavours from a combination of fresh herbs and spices such as lemongrass, sweet and hot basil le...


Leon de Bruxelles specializes in fresh steamed mussels flown in from Europe, served with a variety of delicious sauces and hand cut French fries. We also have a selection of fresh fish dishes and seve...

Lounge , The

Aptly named The Lounge and located on the first floor of Marks & Spencer, Dubai Festival City. The restaurant provides a secluded haven away from the hustle and bustle to relax and enjoy traditionally...


Looking for a cozy and casual place to dine tonight? Stop by and enjoy the tasty, mouthwatering flavours of Italian cuisine at Luigiís! Relax and taste fresh Italian food made right. Let your taste bu...

Maarid Restaurant

Experience a world of flavours and tempting aromas from live cooking and culinary islands. Our Chef has created an exciting theme dinner program to allow our guests to experience both local and Intern...
An authentic South Indian restaurant where you can taste the best of Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka and Andhara Pradesh cuisines. 04 355 8080 : : : : :FLASH TEST: : : :....

Manga Sushi

ìManga Sushiî is the first themed concept restaurant to be created and opened by Sultan Group Hospitality. It offers Japanese food served in a chic and well themed modern dÈcor. The restaurant has 100...

Mango Tree Bistro

Mango Tree Bistro is a casual family Thai dining experience, a menu that is approachable by enthusiasts and first timers to Thai cuisine. An atmosphere that is warm, relaxing and welcoming with the gr...

Market CafÈ,The

At our unique self-service restaurant, where the menu changes daily, Italian, Indian, Arabic and grill cuisines are prepared fresh before your eyes. With a sumptuous selection of desserts - including ...


Marzano can only remind you that dining ìItalian Styleî is more than merely eating. Marzano reproduces the essence of opulent Italian lifestyle. Marzano is so inspiring because of its amazing ability ...

Masala Craft

Masala Craftís verv & stylish cuisine, Indian spice mixes featured to portray the diversity of its regions & cultural blends as times went by. The smokey clay ovens offer an array of kebabs, tikkas, b...


MBCo is a ìEuropeanî culinary experience, all centered on innovative meal creations. It is a taste of home, with authentic ìhand curved sandwiches, fresh daily products and those impulse items you can...


At MerCURRIES we celebrate the joys of diversity and have created a core North West frontier cuisine for you to savour a gastronomical delight offering our selections of both vegetarian as well as non...


An Italian restaurant serving the finest pasta, tastiest pizza and freshest salads in a stylish, laid-back atmosphere. It also provides a take-away delivery and coffee service. 04 - 701 1128 www.resid...


For authentic flavour of Japan, lovers of Japanese cuisine will be delighted by the authentic cooking of our Japanese Chef. Featuring sushi bar, tatami rooms and teppenyaki tables, Minato is the fines...
We bring to you the right ingredients with an essence of hospitality, to ensure that every meal experince is enjoyable. 04 288 8040

Momento CafÈ Restaurant

Created to complement Bowling City, Momento CafÈ Restaurant is a livecooking, classy and stylish concept that is gaining popularity in the market. Momento features a full menu range, including pasta, ...


Culinary pleasures of the highest standards are awaiting the guests in this all-day dining restaurant serving a delicious International buffet in a simple yet refined atmosphere. 09 244 9888 www.rota...


Nandoís is not just about chicken - itís about pride, passion, courage, integrity and most of all, family. Nandoís signature marinated, flame grilled chicken has a totally unique taste. Fresh, A-grade...


The heart of the home, the kitchen, is the inspiration of the Nanking Restaurant which remains true to their open style kitchen that allows guests to enjoy the ìwok theatreî, while watching the chefs ...


The aim of Napoletana is to provide our guests with a typical neighborhood Italian restaurant that would not be out of place on the corner of any Italian street. Focusing on the traditional thin crust...

Noodle Factory

The Noodle Factory cuisine is reflective of Far Eastern evolving culinary landscape. A modern combination of Far Eastern cuisines from China, Thailand, Indonesia and Malay, a modern take on quick Asia...

Noodle Factory-Wafi

The Noodle Factory menu offers a diverse array of culinary creations from the major regions of Canton, Shanghai, Szechwan & Hunan as well as traditional Thai, Indonesian & Malaysian specialties. Using...

Organic Foods & CafÈ

ï Offers a large selection of breakfast, soups, sandwiches, salads, main course dishes (pasta, steak, etc), fresh juices, tea, coffee, etc - all made from organic ingredients. ï Here at the Organic Fo...


A fine dining restaurant located in the exquisitely scenic Green Community. This 75 seater outlet has both indoor and outdoor seating on a lake front with al fresco dining, under the open desert sky. ...

Outback Steakhouse

For more than 20 years Outback has been dedicated to providing its customers with only the finest cuts of choice steaks that have gone through a proprietary aging process to ensure unrivaled taste and...

Palermo Restaurant , The

Welcome to a sizzling South American experience at our new Argentinean specialty venue - the Palermo Restaurant and Terrace. Enjoy the warm atmosphere and comfortable ambience as you savour your choic...

Pane Caldo

Despite the global phenomena of Italian restaurants, a little known fact is that there is no uniform Italian way of cooking. From the braised beef and creamy risottos of Piedmont and the seafood and h...
To source quality ingredients from around the world to serve you delicious pasta and pizza at everyday prices! << WELCOME TO PASTAMANIA >>


From a small bakery in Lille back in 1889, the passion for authentic bread-baking has remained in the family to be handed down through five generations. Today, PAUL spans a network of more than 350 ou...
Offering Italian favourites in a stylish Italian setting with a fantastic view of Dubai, PAX also boasts an extensive wine list and is the perfect place for an intimate dinner or a get-together with f...

Piacere del Gusto

Sophisticated and pleasantly intimate mixed with splendid views from the terrace. Piacere del Gusto is the resortís fine dining venue. The gastronomy is classical Italian: salads, pizza, pasta dishes,...

Pizza Company , The

You name it! We got it! The most delicious pizzas are in town with an exotic blend of fresh ingredients and signature sauces, complemented by live pasta stations and garden fresh salad bars. Come and ...
Pizza Express
Your plate is our canvas. Our chefs are culinary artistes, whom you can see painting your plate with colourful fresh ingredients, creating a masterpiece appealing to the eyes as it is to the stomach.

Planet Hollywood Dubai

ï Open daily from 12:00 noon - 12:00a.m. ï Family dining restaurant. ï Western cuisine. ï Kids birthday parties available. ï Friday Wild Brunch - with special kidsbuffet activities. ï Special lunch pr...

PQ (Le Pain Quotidien)

PQ (Le Pain Quotidien) an organic rustic dining experience, known for their freshly prepared organic bread, bringing you the best each and every day. It is the adaptation to the taste of today, a way ...

Ribs & Rumps

Ribs and Rumps, the iconic International steakhouse group from Australia, NOW open in the Dubai Mall which is the worldís biggest shopping centre! Renowned for serving the finest steaks and ribs and f...

Roadster diner

Make a pit stop at the most authentic diner in the city. Roadster diner, a one-of-a-kind place that showcases the spirit of the great diner experience complete with private dining booths, pedestal sto...

Sai Dham

Sai Dham RestaurantÖ the cultural melting pot of the finest vegetarian cuisine from North of IndiaÖ a celebration of the exotic and colourful culture set in Dubai. An endeavour to breathe life into an...

Sapphire, The

The Sapphire is a casual spacious licensed restaurant located in the heart of Century Village, in Garhoud area. Attractive with its trendy terrace and its charismatic interior wooden dÈcor, it is a pe...


Intermingling various cultures in the region has inspired one of the finest cuisines in the world - the Middle Eastern cuisine. Sarai presents to you the incredible variety and aromatic flavours of th...


Scoozi specializes in preparing handmade, wood baked pizzas in an open kitchen, producing its own fresh pasta, traditional Italian dishes, open sushi conveyor and superb desserts, creating a place for...


Senses is the all day dining restaurant at Gold Swiss-Belhotel Dubai, and as the name suggests offers a menu, full of flavour, fragrant aromas and artistic presentation designed to tickle the senses. ...


An authentic and exquisite Italian cuisine restaurant designed to rekindle your taste buds like never before. Open from breakfast through dinner time, it offers an array of palate tantalizing foods su...


SEZZAM is truly unique. Three open kitchens - FLAME, BAKE and STEAM and two different service concepts. SEZZAM EXPRESS, a high class selfservice and take-away area and the EATERY, an ‡ la carte sit do...


A journey to ancient Persia begins when you enter this authentic market leading Iranian restaurant with splendid views of the creek. A traditional cuisine with fresh bread from a clay oven and live Ir...


This Indian restaurant brings alive the uniquely rich culinary heritage of India, with a special spotlight on Mughlai cooking - the cuisine of royalty. Shahjahan is a true passage to the exotic tastes...


The restaurant is beautifully decorated with hand-painted decor of deep red-maroon, turquoise blue and sun gold. Genuine antiques, old Persian copper lamps, fountains and warm wood columns reflect the...

Shark Bites

With indoor and outdoor dining, both restaurants are located in Aquaventure and feature classics such as burgers, salads, sandwiches, along with Arabian food. Opening Hours: 10:00a.m. till sunset Dres...


Located in the Jebel Ali Shooting Club, just 5 minutes from the award-winning Jebel Ali Golf Resort & Spa, Shooters is famous for its flame grilled American steaks and western style dÈcor. The unprete...


Siamin is an authentic Thai restaurant which promises to bring Thailand to the heart of Dubai. After the success of the restaurant in Paris, Siamin now comes to excite the taste buds of Thai food love...


Enjoy real home style cooking ëJust like Mama used to make itíÖ at Sicilia. Rustic, down to earth cuisine prepared daily. Unpretentious salads, home-made pastas, mouthwatering sauces and a chefís menu...


Looking for somewhere fresher, healthier, tastier & easier to get together? Introducing in Dubai over 50 years of mid-scale casual dining experience emphasizing value, comfort & convenience. ëvarietyí...
SOY is a modern dining concept where style is a way of life. Set amidst serene water features and whispering bamboos in a classical Chinese pagoda, SOY is located in the unique China Garden of the reg...


A casual all-day destination, perfect before or after a round of golf, Spikes overlooks the practice facilities and the impressive Sheikh Zayed Road skyline. Choose from a diverse menu to enjoy a hear...

Sports CafÈ

Sports CafÈ is decorated in keeping with a sports theme and features state-of-the art plasma TV screens, contemporary mirrored bar and uninterrupted views over the marina at the award-winning Jebel Al...


Nestled in a corner of the West End, level 1, above Kempinski Hotel, in the Mall of the Emirates, St. Maximís is an elegant and trendy spacious restaurant with a delightful dÈcor. The menu boasts some...
Steak House Restaurant
Choose your steak, we cook it live in front of you to your liking, served with a wide range of wines from all over the world. 04 - 297 0808

Steam Sum Dim Sum

Steam Sum Dim Sum Restaurant offers great variety of Dim Sums, Stir-Fry Noodles and specially imported Chinese Teas.With over 30 kinds of Dim Sums, steamed or fried. Every guest is guaranteed to find ...


Stefanoís is the perfect place for a casual family-friendly Italian meal any day or night of the week. The atmosphere is quintessentially Italian - warm, inviting, and unpretentious. The cuisine takes...

Stonegrill Dining

Bringing to Dubai one of the hottest new concept in dining is STONEGRILL in the Gold & Diamond Park. The menu has something for every taste from prime New Zealand beef to Russian menu. Whether you are...

Sukh Sagar

A legend among Indian restaurants Sukh Sagar a pioneer of several Bombay specialties and a household name since 1962 is today a world-renowned brand spread across 25 branches in UAE, India, Qatar, & C...


Dubaiís first Japanese ìyakinikuî style restaurant. ìYakiî means grilled, ìnikuî means meat. At Sumibiya, you and your fellow chefs sit around a grill built into your tabletop and cook the finest beef...

Sumo Sushi & Bento

Sumo Sushi and Bento has gained a reputation as a successful family business through its commitment to providing high quality menus, a warm and relaxing atmosphere and excellent service. A wide select...

Sushi Folie

Get fresh, funky and fun sushi at our healthy sushi bar. Stylish food in stylish surroundings, your healthy meals will be delivered right to you on a high-tech sushi belt. Sushi Folie is a delightful ...
ìSuvoroffî casual dining restaurant, offering the most popular dishes of the national Russian cuisine. 04 - 437 0105 / 0178 / 0179 SUVOROFF RESTAURANT
Tamasha is a perfect blend of authentic Indian cuisine and contemporary music performed throughout the evening. The place is surrounded by a state of the art music and lighting system. 04 - 266 2666

Tandoori Kebabs & Curries

Let us take you on a memorable journey to savour the true flavour and essence of Indian cuisine. Tandoori offers a tantalizing variety of Indian kebabs and curries - not to forget the all time classic...

The Big Easy

Inspired by Ernie Elsí signature restaurant in Stellenbosch, The Big Easy is a relaxed but refined eatery serving wholesome, freshly prepared dishes with a South African pedigree. Complimented by an e...
The Kitchen
The Kitchen is Hyatt Regency Dubaiís stylish 24-hour restaurant and lounge. Offering an explosive culinary combina

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