19-12-2022 - 12:20 am
السلام عليكم اعزائي
عندي استسفسار واتمنى مساعدتكم
انا مقبل على الدراسة في جامعة ابردين وحبيت استسفسر عن المدينه كيف اجواءها وافضل اماكن سكن قريبة للجامعه لشخص واحد وكم اسعارهم وافضل اماكن سياحية في المدينه... واذا في اي شي تحبو تضيفونه عن الجامعة او المدينه راح اكون سعيد لمعرفته
اتمنى اكون ما ثقلت عليكم بالاسئلة
الدراسة في بريطانيا
to be studying at?
Accommodation is available both on campus and off campus and deciding about which option to go for usually depends on whether you have family or not and, if single whether you have friends that are going to same university and whether you would want to share flat with them or you prefer to live a lone and obviously your budget. I didn't like the bus service in Aberdeen compared to other cities in Scotland and England, they have the worst bus service in the UK and the buses don't run as frequent as in other cities. However, this won't be a big problem, you will just need to adjust your daily travel plans according to the schedule of buses that operates in the area you live in.
Whether in Aberdeen is mostly very cold from end of October to around March, but in summer the weather is really nice and it never get hot.
If you have any other questions, just let me know
I am sorry for writing in english, I don't have arabic keyboard