15-09-2022 - 09:38 pm
Hi all Friends,
Now we are in San Francisco, we really enjoyed our trip as after spending 5 nights in SF now we are heading back to LA for our last three days then we will fly to Kuwait, Can u please advice me what is the best place that I can stay and relax after this long 27 days trip, any city u recommend me, I already staied in Anaheim and Beverly hills? what can u recommand 4 me, Also does anyone know any good transportation to the Airport to carry our 9 luggaes because our car can not hold that many of bags. Thank u
The link above is for the Super Shuttle, the most popular airports shuttle service in the U.S.
As for a city to spend the last five days, I could've advised you to visit Monterey, but my understanding that you need something in L.A. vicinities, with close proximity to LAX, and I can't help you with that since I don't know much about L.A.
I don't know whether you visited Anaheim or not A.K.A Little Arabia, try it if you didn't.
With all the best