- السلام عليكم.
- اذا فيه مجال احد يصحح لي هالمقال بليز..وبكون ممنونه .
السلام عليكم.
اذا فيه مجال احد يصحح لي هالمقال بليز..وبكون ممنونه .
The kingdom of Saudi Arabia is the largest Arabic country in the Arabian peninsula. It is located in Southwest of Asia. We called it KSA to make it shorter and simple. It is borderd by Jordan and Iraq on the north. Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain and UAE on the east. Oman and Yemen in the south and the red sea on the west. Its size approximately 2,250,000 squara kilometers. Saudi Arabia contains thirteen areas, one of them is Hail.
Hail is a beautiful city in the north_west of Saudi Arabia Its called bride of north. An area of 125,000 km. It is famous for its nature, contains one of the famous mountains in KSA is Aja and Salma. As well, there is Al nafud desert and a lot of valleys. Hail is one of the major areas involve a number of provinces and villages. The weather in Hail is hot dry in the summer and cold rainy in the winter. In my opinion, It is more beautiful in the winter season because the rain and nature make a wonderful view.
Finally, I want to refer to naming Hail as "The city of generosity" in reference to Hatim Al Tai, the most generous man. There are many effects in my city that make people comes to visit them, including the palace ruins Hatim.
يعطيكم العافيه ان شاءالله
اذا فيه مجال احد يصحح لي هالمقال بليز..وبكون ممنونه .
The kingdom of Saudi Arabia is the largest Arabic country in the Arabian peninsula. It is located in Southwest of Asia. We called it KSA to make it shorter and simple. It is borderd by Jordan and Iraq on the north. Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain and UAE on the east. Oman and Yemen in the south and the red sea on the west. Its size approximately 2,250,000 squara kilometers. Saudi Arabia contains thirteen areas, one of them is Hail.Hail is a beautiful city in the north_west of Saudi Arabia Its called bride of north. An area of 125,000 km. It is famous for its nature, contains one of the famous mountains in KSA is Aja and Salma. As well, there is Al nafud desert and a lot of valleys. Hail is one of the major areas involve a number of provinces and villages. The weather in Hail is hot dry in the summer and cold rainy in the winter. In my opinion, It is more beautiful in the winter season because the rain and nature make a wonderful view.
Finally, I want to refer to naming Hail as "The city of generosity" in reference to Hatim Al Tai, the most generous man. There are many effects in my city that make people comes to visit them, including the palace ruins Hatim.
يعطيكم العافيه ان شاءالله
السلام عليكم
مقال أكثر من رائع و جهد واضح في الكتابة بالطريقة السليمة و التناسق السلس لان قراء الموضوع متى ما زاد الحشو و قل التناسق و الترابط فقدواتدريجياُ الاهتمام بالموضوع شيئاُ فشيئاُ
اذا أراد الشخص كتابة مقال ... لازم يراعي عدة عوامل رئيسية منها
البداية (Inro)
المتن (Body)
النهاية و اللي تتضمن الاستنتاج (Conclusion)
أريد التعقيب على بعض النقاط البسيطة جداُ
في بداية المقال أتت هذه الجملة
The kingdom of Saudi Arabia is the largest Arabic country in the Arabian peninsula
أتصور المفروض بعد هذه الجملة يكون فيه اثيات و دعم للجملة ... و ذكر المساحة الاجمالية للمملكة مثل ما تفضلتي في اخر الفقرة الاولى
بالنسبة اختي للاتجاهات
لا يمكن فصلهما بهذه الطريقة ... فالافضل كتابتهم بالطريقة التالية northwest
is the largest Arabic country in the Arabian peninsula. It is located in Southwest of Asia
جميع الاحرف الملونة بالاحرف الحمراء تكتب ك small letters
Hail is a beautiful city in the north_west of Saudi Arabia Its called bride of north. An area of 125,000 km
وجهة نظر ... عدم وجود ترابط
فلو يتم صياغة الجملة بشكل اخر يكون أفضل
that make people comes to visit them
تكتب come بدون حرف ال s
طبعاُ أتمنى تتقبلين نقدي الاخير
الموضوع الاساسي ابراز منطقة حائل .. و في وجهة نظري ان الموضوع ما تشبع و ما خذ حقة في الوصف
فقط تكلمتي عن بعض الاشياء البسيطة
فيا حبذا لو تم كتابة المزيد حتى يصبح الموضوع غني بالمعلومات لدعم ركائز الموضوع الاساسية
كل التوفيق اختي