- Thank you for your enrolment.
- Students requiring a visa
- Balance Due 2370.00
- Students requiring a visa
السلام عليكم
لقد راسلت معهد للغة تابع لجامعة دبلن وعطيتهم بيانتي
وردو علي وارفقولي مستند انا ما عرفت هل هو قبول من المعهد او شو لان انجليزيتي ضعيفة شوي
ياريت تقولولي اذا الي ارسلوه لي هو قبول
كود HTML: Dublin City University, Dublin 9, Ireland.
Telephone: +353 1 700 5552
Fax: +353 1 700 5011
[email protected]Web Site: http://www.english.dcu.ie/
Confirmation of Enrolment
2 June, 2009
Ms. ......s
/CL St.
Dear SA
Thank you for your enrolment.
Students requiring a visa
As you require a visa to enter Ireland, please make you payment as soon as possible as we can issue the Letter of Confirmation only after we receive the payment. You need to submit the Letter of Confirmation as part of your visa application papers to the Irish Embassy.
Course: IELTS Exam Preparation course
8September 2009 - 18 December 2009
Accommodation:None Requested
We hope you enjoy your period of study with DCUrLS.
Yours sincerely,
Quintin Roantree
Registration Officer
Dublin City University, Dublin 9, Ireland.
Telephone: +353 1 700 5552
Fax: +353 1 700 5011
[email protected]Web Site: http://www.english.dcu.ie/
Statement of Account Tuesday, 02 June 2009
To: Ms. s
Student: Ms.
Gross Discount / Commission Nett
Tuition Fees 2310.00 0.00 2310.00 Accommodation 0.00
Accommodation Placement Fee 0.00
Other fees / Course Registration 60.00
Extra nights ( 0 ) 0.00
Total Due 2370.00
Less Payments 0.00
Balance Due 2370.00
Students requiring a visa
As you require a visa to enter Ireland, please make you payment as soon as possible as we can issue the Letter of Confirmation only after we receive the payment. You need to submit the Letter of Confirmation as part of your visa application papers to the Irish Embassy.
Account Details;
Account Name: DCU.LS Ltd. Account Number: 4049 3170 Sort Code 93-22-21
Bank Name & Address: Allied Irish Banks, 239 Swords Road, Whitehall, Dublin 9, Ireland.
IBAN: IE 29 AIBK 932221 4049 3170 SWIFT Address / BIC Code: AIB KIE2D
Please fax a copy of the bank transfer document to us at 00-353-1-700-5011 or let us know by email.
الرسالة تقول: اطلاب يتطلبون فيزا
كما انت ايضا تتطلب فيزا لدخول ايرلندا, رجاء سدد المبلغ المطلوب في اقرب وقت ممكن كما نحن نستطيع اصدار رسالة التاكيد بقبولك فقط بعد استلام المبلغ المطلوب, وتحتاج لتقديم رسالة التاكيد بالقبول كجزء من استمارة طلب الفيزا (الابليكيشن) للسفارة الايرلندية
وهذا والله اعلم واتمنى اني قد افدتك ولو بشيء بسيط