لندن المسافرون العرب

أكتشف العالم بين يديك المسافرون العرب أكبر موقع سياحي في الخليج و الوطن العربي ، يحتوى على أكبر محتوى سياحي 350 ألف استفسار و نصائح عن السفر و السياحة, 50 ألف تقرير سياحي للمسافرون العرب حول العالم و أكثر من 50 ألف من الاماكن السياحية و انشطة وفعاليات سياحية ومراكز تسوق وفنادق، المسافرون العرب هو دليل المسافر العربي قبل السفر و اثناء الرحلة. artravelers.com ..
14-08-2022 - 04:20 pm
طلبنا فيزا من النت على اساس سياحه انا والوالده واخي الصغير
ورفضت الفيزه .؟؟؟؟؟؟؟
حجز وحطينا . كشف وحطينا ؟؟ وقالووا ما حطيتوهم -_-
خطا فادح آخر خطيت سياحه ثلاث شهور على بالي عندي فيزا 6 شهوور وعلى راحتي اكتب اللي ابغيه
قالوا ليش سياحه ثلاث شهور ؟؟ مده طويله تتركين فيها اخوانك الصغار الباقيين ؟؟ تراهم مع الوالد ماحطيناهم
لوحدهم على اسااس قلبهم علينا
خطأ آآخر عند تعبئة بيانات المال واسألة كم بتصرفين وكم بيعطيك ابووي ياخي وانا وشدراني كم بصرف
ولا ابوي كم بيعطيني . يعني كم احط كمثال ؟؟
ولا بعد كاتبين لنا احنا مو مقتنعين انكم رح ترجعوا للأمارات . بتقعدوون بلندن بلابشكلكم لندن الجنه ولا ارض الذهب وانا مادري
وربي الاماراات افضل بمليون مره عن وجيهكم عيال الحمرا اكلوا علينا 1500 باطل جعلها مغص واسهاال فيهم
قهروونا مجهزين ومرتبين اموورنا وبألاخير رفضوا لاسباب غبيه ؟؟؟؟؟

التعليقات (3)
شوفوا اسباب الرفض واتمنى ما تسوون مثل غلطتي اللي ما تسووا بس عشاان مايحصلوون عذر
you claim to be retired however you have not indicated what form,what income you receive if any or where this comes from on your application from.
furthermore you have not indicated how much you intend to spend on your trip.
as a result I am not satisfied that your circumstances are as you have indicated, or your intentions in wishing to travel to the UK now.
I am not therefore satisfied that you are genuinely seeking entry as a visitor for a limited period as stated by you, not exceeding 6 months ,
nor am I satisfied that you intend to leave the UK at the end of the period of the visit as stated by you.41(i)(ii)
you state that you will travel to the UK for 3 months, when we asked on the visa application from what you will do in the UK you have not responded to this question.
you have not given details of what you may wish to see or do on what may be your first visit to the UK and you appear to have made no planes for your arrival in the UK.
I also note that you have no friends or family in the UK and you have not provided satisfactory evidence that you have a hotel reservation.
I not that you have not made any comparable trips and have failed to explain or evidence how you will maintain and support your three boys who I note are not travelling with you during his proposed lengthy 3 month absence.
this coupled with your doubtful financial circumstances and in view of the above and your apparent lack of preparation for your visit,I am not satisfied of your intentions in wishing to travel to the UK now.
I am not satisfied that you are genuinely seeking entry as a visitor or that you intend to leave the UK at the end of the period of the visit as stated by you
I have therefore refused your application because I am not satisfied, on the balance of probabilities, that you meet all the requirements of the above paragraph(s) of the immigration rules.
your right of appeal
your application does not attract a full right of appeal under section 82(1) of nationality,
immigration and asylum act 2002. your right to appeal is limited to any or all of the grounds referred to in section 84(1)(b) and (c) of the nationality, immigration and asylum act 2002 namely :

  1. reception and care in the UK.

  2. 46A (i)(ii)(iv)

وهذا سبب رفض لاخوي ابوو 4 سنوات
you have applied for a visa along with your mother . I note that her visa application has ben refused .
as she is no longer travelling to thee UK and no other reason for your travel without them has been put forward, I am not satisfied as to your intentions in wishing to travel to the UK now..
as a result I amm not satisfied that you are genuinely seeking entry to the UK as a child visitor, that you intend to leave at the end of your proposed visit or that suitable arrangements are in place for your travel to ,

reception and care in the UK.

46A (i)(ii)(iv)

you have stated that the cost of your visit will be met by your father, however you have provided no satisfactory evidence from them to support this claim. this also means I am not satisfied as to your intentions in wishing to travel to the UK now
as a result I am not satisfied that you are genuinely seeking entry to the UK as a child visitor, that you intend to leave at the end of your proposed visit or that suitable arrangements are in place for your travel to, reception and care in the UK

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