- بسم الله الرحمن الرحيمالى كل العراقيين خارج العراق وبالأخص مصر
- His Lover
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيمالى كل العراقيين خارج العراق وبالأخص مصر
آني أخوكم محمد ابو كرار من بغداد الحبيبة... عثرت على هذا المنتدى بالصدفة وحبيت أكون عضو بي... وقررت ان تكون اول مشاركاتي هدية الى كل من هو خارج العراق وبالتأكيد يشعر بالحنين الى العراق... ولو اني هم يمكن رح التحق بيهم قريبا... بس العراقي يبقة دائما عراقي ومهما بعد عن بلدة يبقة الحنين يسري بدمة... وأختياري لبوابة السفر الى مصر كان لانه اني انوي السفر الى مصر قريبا... حالي حال كلمن يريد يعيش بهدوء وسلام.
اول مشاركاتي هية كلمات من تأليفي ...كتبتهة قبل سنين... من جان العراق بخير بعدة... بس يمكن هسة وبظل الظروف القاسية اللي يمر بيهة عراقنة الحبيب... صارت لهذي الكلمات معاني أكثر... احلة وأقسة بنفس الوقت... أتمنة ان تعجبكم... واتمنة اسمع ارائكم بيهة...
His Lover
- With whom he is talking?
- Don’t you see?
- I don’t… what about you?
- Yes I am, I can see and I also hear…
- Hear what?
- He is talking with the night quiet.
- Does this night quiet have any sound?
- It has the most beautiful sound in the world… without speaking it makes you say all of that in your spirit, your suffering, pains and sadness. This night quiet is just the same quiet of his lover.
- But he is now looking upward, why?
- He is looking to his lover…
- But where is she?
- She is in the magnificence of the sky…
- Look! What he is doing now?
- He is listening to his lover…
- But I can’t hear!
- Yes you do… just listen carefully…
- What?
- Don’t you hear the sound of the wind’s fingers, playing on the tree’s papers, this soft music!
- Yes I hear this…
- This is the voice of his lover…
- And what he is touching now? Look at him!
- He is touching her…
- Where is she? I still can’t see her!
- But he does see… and I also do… she is in the deep darkness of this night… under this wonderful selling… he is touching her… feeling her warm moving to his body… protecting him from the terrified coldness of January… he feels this warm and enjoying her musical breath’s steam
- .
- And now he is sitting over that freezing ground! Putting his hand over it! I am wondering, why?
- Nothing in the all world… gave the blessings for the peoples… from the first moment of their creation… more than the Earth. And this adjective of present and donation is just the same adjective that his lover owns.
- But he is walking now, for where he is going? Does he have a home?
- No body knows that if he has a home… he is like this from years… he just walks in streets… not talking with any one… just with the quiet of night.
- He looks like a crazy for me…
- No thing new… love is exactly means madness…
- Do you think that his lover really deserve what he is doing for her?
- Yes she does… absolutely she deserves that… and may be she deserves more…
- What’s the matter with you? Your eyes filling with tears! Is it the cold weather?
- No… but I am just jealous…
- From what! his madness? Come on….
- Not his madness… but for his lover…
- Do you really admire her like that?
- In the beginning, I mocked at his love and devotion to her, but then… curious pushed me to know… what is making him loving her like this? Who is she? What is she? And after a while… I knew every thing…
- Go on… what next?
- I tried to stop him… and I kept trying till I stopped this…
- Why?
- Because I joined him in the same temple…
- Did you love her?
- Yes I did… I had no choice…
- And what now? Who will win her?
- Me and him and all of her lovers… even you my friend…
- Oh no thanks… I am not going to join this party…
- You already did my friend…
- Did what… loving her… sweet god no…
- Yes you are…
- How can I love her? I don’t even know where is she?
- She is always her…she always exists, listening for all one and loving all one…
- Tell me… I want to know her…
- You already do know her… every one do…
- Who is she?
- She is (Baghdad)… (Lovely Baghdad)… his lover… and my lover… and every one’s lover.
- The End-
Mohammed Nazar
اخوي yamoka98
اولا ارحب بك في عائلتنا الجميلة في منتدى بوابة مصر
وثانيا ارحب بك معنا في بلدك الثاني مصر
طبعا انت كتبت خاطرتك باللغة الانكليزيه واني وياها مو على طياب
وحاولت الترجمه على القوقل لكن للاسف الترجمه الحرفيه تضيع المعنى
وقررت ان ارحب بك اولا وبعدين نشوف سالفة الترجمة
ومره ثانية اهلا وسهلا بك اخي محمد نزار