love london
21-09-2022 - 09:42 pm
السلام عليكم بالنسبه ل طيران ايزي جت انا حجزت من لندن الى باريس اتمتت كل الحجز بالنهايه يقولي كذاوالمعلومات كلها صحيحهPayment FailureWe have been unable to obtain payment authorisation. It may be that your card issuer has declined payment. Alternatively, there may be an error in the details you have supplied. Please ensure that the details you have supplied are correct. Security codeFor all cards except American Express, the security code is the last three digits printed on the signature strip on the back of the card. For American Express cards, the security code appears on the right hand side of the front of the card, just above the card number, and is four digits long. Issue NumberProvide an issue number only if one is printed on your card (usually at the bottom of the front side of the card). Please enter the exact number of digits as shown on the card. If no issue number is present, leave the issue number blank. Card NumberYour card number is printed in large digits across the middle of the front of your card. Please check and correct your details and re-submit your booking.
يطلب الرقم السري وهو الرقم الثلاثي الذي خلف بطاقة الاتمان
والتاكيد على ادخال الرقم الصحصح والحرف الصحيح اذا كان كبتر لتر او سمول لتر