تأي العهد
21-10-2022 - 05:53 pm
اخواني الاعزااءءء,,
مسافر الى مانيلاء الخميس 20 نوفمبر القادم وهذة اول زيارة لي الى الفلبين ,,
اريد عناوين المنطقة العربية وافضل الفنادق واسمائها في المنطقة العربية وايضاء اسماء المطاعم العربية الممتازة هناك ,,,,,
تكفون واي معلوما اخرري مهمة ,,,,,,,
شاكر لكم ,,
about the hotels: I dont know what kind of hotels you are looking for, for me I like to go to cheap and good hotels in Malati there is one hotel called CityState Tower hotel, it is cheap and good, the service is sooooo good and the people so friendly. walking distance from arabic restaurants, and robenson.
THE MOST IMPORTANT: you keep your eyes and ears open when you are out in the night, bad people always around, it is very busy area there at anytime.
I wish I helped you somehow.
Enjoy your trip, if you stay there until January 31 i wil be there to inshalah.