تعلم اللغات الاجنبية المسافرون العرب

أكتشف العالم بين يديك المسافرون العرب أكبر موقع سياحي في الخليج و الوطن العربي ، يحتوى على أكبر محتوى سياحي 350 ألف استفسار و نصائح عن السفر و السياحة, 50 ألف تقرير سياحي للمسافرون العرب حول العالم و أكثر من 50 ألف من الاماكن السياحية و انشطة وفعاليات سياحية ومراكز تسوق وفنادق، المسافرون العرب هو دليل المسافر العربي قبل السفر و اثناء الرحلة. artravelers.com ..
il bambino
09-12-2022 - 01:24 pm
Differences in Vocabulary
Speakers of American English and speakers of British English have no trouble understanding each other.The differences are small and do not interfere with communication.Some differences in the usage of common vocabulary are listed below.Let us go and see them together
American English - British English
attorney lawyer - barrister solicitor
bathrobe - dressing gown
can (of beans) - tin (of beans)
corn - maize
diaper - nappy
driver's license - driving license
drug store - chemist's
elevator - lift
eraser - rubber
flashlight - torch
gas, gasoline - petrol
hood of a car - bonnet of a car
living room - sitting room
raise in salary - rise in salary
schedule - timetable
sidewalk - pavement - foot path
sink - basin
soccer - football
stove - cooker
truck - lorry
trunk of a car - boot of a car
be on vacation - be on holiday

التعليقات (8)
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il bambino
Differences in Spelling
American English - British English
theater, center , liter - theatre ,centre, litre
color, honor,labor, odor - colour,honour,labour,odour
jewelry,traveler,woolen - jewellry,traveller,woollen
skillful, fulfill - skilful, fulfil
check - cheque
curb - kerb
forever - forever , for ever
program - programme
specialty - speciality
story - storey ( of a building)
tire - tyre ( of a car )
realize , analyze , apologize - realise, analyse, apologise
defense,offense - defence,offence

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معلومات حلوه
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شكرا عالمرور

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الله يسلمك
شكر عالمرور

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You are welcome

Thank you
Also the ascents
are different
u r the best

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You're welcome Soso

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