06-07-2022 - 07:33 am
: " William Penn " ".
025% 1990 2000 http://www.aaiusa.org
067 59.2% Allentown Bethlehem Wikes-Barre Scranton Philadelphia 16% Allegheny 10% Lehigh 6% Luzerne 5% Montgomery 4.8% Delaware.
40% 27% 9% 9% 3% 3% 2% 2% 1% 4% ".
4% " . (CIOGC).
Harrisburg Coatesville James Buchanan.
: " New Jersey " " New York " West Virginia .
6-076 .
Delaware Susquehanna Allegheny Monongahela .
253 77 57.2 2.05 117 " .
Harrisburg 48.950 1.479.339 Pittsburgh Erie.
: 1600 " 1664 Charles II William Penn.
Philadelphia 1776 1800 1776 " 1787 Valley Forge Gettysburg .
Titusville 1859 .
: 2003 12.406.292 85.4% 10% 1.8% 0.1% 3.2% 1.5% " 1.2% 4.1% 274 74.9% 11% .
: 444 33.348 5% 2004 16.0% 5.4% 11.3% Pittsburgh Phildelphia .
5GlaxoSmithKline Rohm and Haas Unisys .
American Austin Car Company .
British Austin Motor Company .
98 .
American Austin Car Company .
British Austin Motor Company .
Hershey Chocolate Hershey H.J.Heinz Company Zippo Manufacturing .
Comcast Sunoco Wise Potato Chips Lancaster Amish Mennonite .
: 21 " 538 2004 51% 2.885.773 49% 2.756.904 2000 50.6% 46.4% .
Ed-Rendell 2007.
1- Rick Santorum ( 2007).
2- Arien Specter ( 2007).
: (University of Pennsylvania) Philadelphia 1740 18.642 University of Pittsburgh 1787 26.731. Pennsylvania state University .
Drexel U. 1891 17665 " Thomas Jefferson U. 1824 3000 .Virginia :
: Virginia North Carolina Tennessee Kentucky West Virginia Maryland District of Columbia. Elizabeth 1, the Virgin Queen. .
5" " http://www.aai.org 114 135 47% Fairfax 8% Arlington 6% Alexandria.
: 102,558 . . . . .
: . . .Powhatan
. 1607 . 1619.
" " : William Henry Harrison Thomas Jefferson James Madison James Monroe John Taylor Zachary Taylor George Washington Woodrow Wilson.
: 2003 7,386,330 . 72,3% 19,6% 3,7% 0,3% 3,3% 0,1% 2,0%. 5,3 % 186.6 . 68,1% 9,6%.
: 271,1 29,372 6,8% 2004. 9,3% 23,63% 17,67%.
. . : Danville South Boston South Hill. .
: . Virginia Valley . . .
US Airways Group General Dynamics Dominion Resources Capital One Financial.
: University of Virginia 1819 . . 19,200 . .
Virginia Commonwealth University 1882 . 24,000 657 45 .
Old Dominion University 1930 . 19,000 .
2- . 28,874 .De
الدراسة في امريكا
Georgia , GA
: 1732
: 1788
: , , , ,
: 9 " 39,000 "
: 152.567
: , 27 8 " "
: " 7 = 12 GMT "
: 28.7% , 5.3% ,62.6% , (2000 )
. . 1996. . 1861-1865. .
. .
5. 1828.
: " " " ". . 5,630 . 24,983 . .
/ : .
: Johnson Square-Savannah « » : « ». ( ) ( ) (1860 1865) . . ... « ».
: ( 1458 ) . . .
: 70% .
: , . .
. , .
; New Year's Day, 1 January
;Robert E. Lee's Birthday, 19 January
; Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr., 3rd Monday in January
; Washington's Birthday, 3rd Monday in February
; Confederate Memorial Day, 26 April
; National Memorial Day, last Monday in May
; Jefferson Davis's Birthday, 3 June
; Independence Day, 4 July
; Labor Day, 1st Monday in September
; Columbus Day, 2nd Monday in October
; Veterans Day, 11 November
; Thanksgiving Day, 4th Thursday in November
; Christmas Day, 25 December
& & & & &