سيرلانكا المسافرون العرب

أكتشف العالم بين يديك المسافرون العرب أكبر موقع سياحي في الخليج و الوطن العربي ، يحتوى على أكبر محتوى سياحي 350 ألف استفسار و نصائح عن السفر و السياحة, 50 ألف تقرير سياحي للمسافرون العرب حول العالم و أكثر من 50 ألف من الاماكن السياحية و انشطة وفعاليات سياحية ومراكز تسوق وفنادق، المسافرون العرب هو دليل المسافر العربي قبل السفر و اثناء الرحلة. artravelers.com ..
28-05-2022 - 05:31 pm
السلام عليكم
سفري يوم الثلالثاء لسيرلانكا وقد سبق لي زياره هذه الدوله الجميله وذا مادعاني لتكرار الزياره ولكن سؤالي بخصوص التفجيرات الاخيره وكيف راح يكون الوضع اتصلت على السفاره السعوديه في سيرلانكا ومااعطوني اجابه والظاهر انهم في اجازه بسبب التفجير حسب مافهمت على السيلانكي الي رد علي وانا الان جدا محتارين ماندري نكنسل ونرجع التذاكر ونكنسل حجوزات ولا نروح.

التعليقات (9)
اجازه السفاره كانت عشان عيد الاستقلال

مافيه رد عموما راح اروح اسكر شنطي خلاص مافيه وقت وان شاء الله كل شئ تمام
شكرا للاخوان

اختي ارتاحي واطمني
كل التفجيرات هذي بعيده جدا عن المناطق السياحيه
وصدقيني ماراح تحسين بشي
رحله موفقه ان شاء الله

أهلين أختي :
بالنسبة للتفجيرات فتكون في شمال البلاد مركز نمور التاميل ، وغالب المدن السياحية تكون في الجنوب والغرب ،،،،،
وأي استفسار انا حاضر ،،،،،

هناك تحذير هام عن السفر الى سيرلنكا في هذه الفترهWe advise you to reconsider your need to travel to Sri Lanka at this time because of ongoing civil unrest, the volatile security situation and the very high risk of terrorist attacks. Attacks occur frequently and further attacks can happen at any time, anywhere in Sri Lanka. Australians could inadvertently become victims of violence directed at others, in particular Sri Lankan government and military targets.
Tensions between the Government of Sri Lanka and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) are high. There has been a significant escalation in the number of serious incidents of politically motivated violence, including in tourist areas in the centre and south of the country. On 2 January 2008, the Government of Sri Lanka announced it would withdraw from the ceasefire agreement it signed in 2002 with the LTTE. The security situation could deteriorate further without warning.
A recent escalation of conflict in the north and other parts of the country may provoke further attacks, including in Colombo. Reports dated 29 January 2008 of an attack on a bus in the LTTE-held area that killed 20, including 11 children, could heighten the risk of retaliatory attack. On 2 February an attack on a passenger bus in Dambula in the Cultural Triangle tourist area killed 18 and injured 50. Two days later, a bomb attack on a bus killed 15 people and injured 17 others in Weli Oya in the north-eastern district of Trincomalee. You should exercise extreme caution, maintain high personal security awareness and avoid locations known to be targeted by the LTTE (see background).
In early January 2008, three bombs exploded in central Colombo. Five people were killed and more than 20 injured, mostly civilians.
On 8 January 2008, a roadside bomb attack killed a Sri Lankan government minister and two of his bodyguards and injured 10 civilians. The attack took place on the road between Colombo's international airport and the city centre.
Ten people were killed and 94 others injured in a suicide bomb attack on a train at the main Fort railway station in the capital, Colombo, on 3 February 2008. Four visitors were wounded in a grenade attack at a Colombo zoo on the same day. These attacks appear to have targeted civilians.
You should be particularly vigilant on and around anniversaries and days of national significance including Independence Day (4 February), the anniversary of the 2002 cessations of hostilities (22 February), the Tamil and Sinhala New Year festivals (13-14 April), May Day (1 May), and Vesak (which falls in May). In the past, militants have used such occasions to mount attacks.
Due to the on-going conflict, the international airport could be closed without warning and commercial aircraft could be at risk, particularly at night.
You should avoid anti-aircraft batteries and their immediate surroundings, including high-rise buildings. Past attacks have occurred at night. In the event of anti-aircraft fire you should stay indoors in a secure location because of the risk of falling projectiles and shrapnel.
Northern and north-central areas of Sri Lanka: We advise you not to travel to the north of Sri Lanka, including the area north a straight line between Chilaw on the west coast and the southern border of Wasgamuwa National Park on the Mahaveli River (including the Cultural Triangle between Dambula, Anuradhapura and Polonaruwa, Wasgamuwa National Park, Mineriya Sanctury and Wilpattu National Park.
Eastern areas of Sri Lanka: We advise you not to travel east of a straight line between the southern border of Wasgamuwa National Park on the Mahaveli River and the South Coast, passing through Badulla, including Madiru Oya National Park and Yala National Park. On 16 January 2008, an attack on a public bus 15 kilometres north of Yala National Park killed 27 civilians and injured 67.
Due to the volatile security situation in Sri Lanka, security arrangements for Australian High Commission staff are at a high level at all times. Australian government officials and dependents have been advised to limit travel (particularly at night), maintain a high degree of awareness at roadblocks and checkpoints and avoid using public transport and visiting locations that may be potential targets, including Independence Day celebrations on 4 February 2008 in Colombo (see Civil Unrest/Political Tension below).
Because of the unpredictable security situation and risk of further terrorist attacks, we strongly recommend that you register your travel and contact details with us so we can contact you in an emergency.
Be a smart traveller. Before heading overseas:
organise comprehensive travel insurance and check what circumstances and activities are not covered by your policy
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اشكر جميع الاخوان على الرد على استفساري
بالنسبه للسفر كنسلنا في اخر لحظه تم اتصالنا على السفاره قبل السفر بكم يوم ولم يتم الرد بسبب اجازه عيد الاستقلال ولكن تم فتح السفاره في يوم السفر وعندما قمنا بالاتصال اجابونا بتأزم الوضع وخطوره الطرق انهم الان يحذرون السياح الموجودن حاليا وان الوضع الافضل عدم الحضور
وطبع كنسلنا على طول

دولي 9
مشكور اخوي على الرد بس بعد تحذير السفاره افضل نكنسل بيني وبينك امي خافت تقول اخرتها اروح اموت في سيرلانكا

ماقصرت اخوي الهدهد

كلامك صحيح اخوي بيرم
حتى الوضع كل ماهو يتصاعد

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