- عملت حجوزات من اسيا روم وردو علي بالرسالتين التاليتين
- والرسالة الثانية
اخي العزيز
عملت حجوزات من اسيا روم وردو علي بالرسالتين التاليتين
Thank you for requesting a reservation through AsiaRooms. We appreciate your patronage.
The status of the reservation you requested is "Credit card verification in process". This reservation is not yet confirmed. We will keep you informed of the status of your reservation request by E-mail, and will E-mail a reservation confirmation voucher to you when we are able to confirm your reservation.
You can check the status of your reservation on-line at any time by clicking here.
والرسالة الثانية
Thank you for requesting a reservation through AsiaRooms. We appreciate your patronage.
However, your bank would not approve the transaction when we attempted to block/charge your credit card. The usual reasons for disapproval are that the card has expired, the card is blocked, the credit limit has been exceeded, a wrong expiration date was provided, or, for by Visa cards, the card was not verified by Visa.
If you still want to make this reservation, you may provide another credit card number by either clicking here, or calling us at +66-38-364-700. We are available 24 hours per day, seven days per week. If you wish to cancel this reservation, please simply click here.
مع العلم بان المبلغ معلق اي محجوز
وش الحل
ولك خالص التحية والتقدير
تقال لهذا ارجل ..بما قام من واجب اتجاه الاخوه الاعزاء فى هذا المنتدى ..
طبعا انا كتبت رساله خاصه لمشرف البوابه وشرحتله الامر ...وقلت بان الاخ ريشة المسك احتمال كبير راح يقادر هذا المنتدى ..وكنت اتمنا من مشرفنا ان يفعل شى ولا كن ....ابو فهد عطانى اذن من طين واذن من عجين
على هذا ارابط وردود العضوين
Mission مع الاخ altamimi98
مع التحيه