ألبانيا المسافرون العرب

أكتشف العالم بين يديك المسافرون العرب أكبر موقع سياحي في الخليج و الوطن العربي ، يحتوى على أكبر محتوى سياحي 350 ألف استفسار و نصائح عن السفر و السياحة, 50 ألف تقرير سياحي للمسافرون العرب حول العالم و أكثر من 50 ألف من الاماكن السياحية و انشطة وفعاليات سياحية ومراكز تسوق وفنادق، المسافرون العرب هو دليل المسافر العربي قبل السفر و اثناء الرحلة. artravelers.com ..
عجيب والله
17-08-2022 - 12:58 am
حيث يمكن الحصول على التأشيرة من المنافذ وهي ممتازة للسياحة الشتوية حيث ان جوها معتدل في الشتاء ولكنه حار في الصيف !! ويمكن الوصول اليها عن طريق الطيران التركي فلماذا لا نفكر فيها ..
الموقع الرسمي للسياحة في البانيا
صور من البانبا

التعليقات (9)
الله يعطيك العافية
بس كيف الامن وتعامل الناس الاسعار هناك

البانا هذه مو الى كانت فيها حرب؟؟؟

عجيب والله
عجيب والله
اناطرحت الفكرة وان شاء الله ابدا البحث واتذكراني كتبت عن كوريا حتى اصبحت مزارا لمن يريدالتغيير
فما المانع في التفكير في البانيا بلد حاربت حتى تنال حقوقها وقد تكون بديل للسياحة الشتوية او حتى لتركيا !!

السلام عليكم
أنا أشهد أنك عجيب وشجاع
بس شد حيلك ونشوف تقرير عن البلد
أتمنى لك التوفيق

اخي عجيب والله ،،، فعلاً انك عجيب
بس ياليت تعطينا معلومات أكثر عن هذه البلد من حيث العملة المواقع السياحية الفيزة ،،، الخ......
عموماً يعطيك العافية.

عاشق سويسرا
عاشق سويسرا
مشكور حبيبي على الفكره الرائعه
والموضوع الجميل
بس احب استفسر عن التاشيره للمولدين في السعوديه
يساافرو من دون تاشيره ولا بس للخليجين
اخوك عااشق سويسرا

عجيب والله
عجيب والله
بالنسبة للتأشيرة فهذا النص القانوني
Passports: A valid passport is required to enter in Albania. Identity cards are not accepted.
Visas: By a Decision of the Prime Minister of the Republic, the citizens of the following countries do not need a visa to enter in Albania:
E.C. Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland , Italy, Luxembur, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden,United Kingom, Poland, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Malta, Cyprus
EFTA Countries : Norway and Switzerland
OTHER : U.S.A., Canada, Turkey, Israel, Japan, South Korea, San Marino, Singapore, Australia and New Zealand, Croatia, Malysia Bulgaria,Romania.
The citizens of other countries may obtain visa at any entry point by payment : Saudi Arabia, FYR Macedonia, Bahrain, Sultanate of Oman, Qatar, Kuwait, Egypt and United Arab Emirates.
The citizens of other countries are required to obtain visas in the embassies of the Republic of Albania or Albanian Consulates in their respective or neighbouring countries.
During the summer tourist season, between 1 of June until 30 of September , the Albanian Government provides the following incentives.
All foreign citizens of albanian nationality can enter in Albania without visa. In such a case identity cards are accepted as valid. Do not need visa for this period of time the citizens from Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia- Herzegovina.
الدول التي يمكن حصول مواطنيها على تأشيرة عن القدوم الي المنافذ وهي دول الخليج الستة و مصر

عجيب والله
عجيب والله
  1. scroll up scroll down


  3. تيرانا العاصمة

  4. What to see

  5. scroll up scroll down

  6. Vlora: ( PHOTOS OF VLORA )

وهي كثيرة جدا واكبرها Durres and Golem lying adjacent to one other.
وكل البانياا سواحل
من المدن المهمة كورسا في الجنوب وفيها

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Is the largest city of south eastern part of Albania. It is situated at the foot of Morava Mountain on a plateau 800 m above sea level. It became an important trading and handicraft centre in the 18th century due to the development of trade with neighboring regions. The museum for Medieval Art is in Korça. It presents the spiritual and material culture of the Albanian people. There are also the Museum of Education, where the first Albanian School were opened in 1878 and the new museum of “Bratko Collections” with antiquaries from the Far East.
What to see
The Museum of Medieval Arts, (open 8.00 - 14.00) .
The Gallery “ Guri Madhi”, (open 10.00 - 12.00 and 16.00- 18.00)
The “Bratko” Museum of antiquaries and collections from far east, (open 9.00- 12.00 and 16.00- 18.00)
The Museum of Education, (open 8.00 - 14.00)
The Archaeological Museum, (open 8.00 - 14.00)
Watering greensward (a suite place for emigrants, where young ladies use to shed tears)

تيرانا العاصمة

What to see

The Fortress of Pertrela It is located at south of Tirana on the right side of national road linking capital with the city of Elbasan. It was built up by the middle age. The castle was under the command of Scanderbeg sister, Mamica Kastrioti.
The fortress of Preza, belongs to the XV century. It has a very nice and dominant position in front of Kruja mountain.
The Mosque of Ethem Bey is situated just at the center of Tirana. It was constructed in 1789. Together with the Clock Tower ( 1830). they make a important historic part of Tirana.
Ministries represents architectonic values. They were built in the year 1930, when Albania was a kingdom.
After the Second World War several buildings were erected. The Palace of Culture, the Palace of Congresses, the National Historic Museum, the Centre of International Culture etc.
The bridge of Tabakeve is situated along the boulevard “Zhan Dark”. It belongs to the XVIII century.
The Tomb of Kapllan Pasha, built in 1814.
The Museum of National History (phone +355 223446 / 228389 )
Archaeological Museum
Gallery of Fine Arts (closed at Mondays)
Museum of Albanian Philately
The Museum of Natural Sciences

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Vlora is a coastal city. It is not only one of the major ports, but also of great historical importance as it was here that in 1912 the Assembly was convened to proclaim Albania as an independent state and to set up the first National Government headed by Ismail Qemali. One can learn more about the background of this event at the Museum of Independence. On a hill above the city one can enjoy the religious place of “Kuzum Baba”. From there you can see the beach and the view of the whole city.
What to see
Ethnographic Museum (open 08.00–12.00 and 16.00–18.00 )
Historic Museum (open 8.00–12.00 and 16.00– 18.00)
The Museum of Independence (open 8.00–12.00 and 16.00–18.00)
The Mosque of Muradie
The Castle of Kanina, in Kanina village
The Castle of Porto-Palermo
The ruins of Himara Castle, Himare
Churches of Saint Stephen and Saint Mitri in the village of Dhermi ( XII –XIV centuries)
Monastery of Saint Mary, in Zvernec Village
Ancient theatre of Orikum (First century B.C)
The Church of Marmiroi in Orikum
Between Tirana and Vlora there is the district of Fier, which boasts different historical sites with great interest . The most important are:
Historic Museum in Fier
Archaeological Museum of Apollonia, in village of Pojan
Monastery of Saint Mary at Apolonia,
Archaeological site of Apolonia
Archaeological site of Bylis, in Hekal village
The ruins of the Church of Saint Mary, in Ballsh
رابط المدن المهمة ومعه اهم الصور لكل مدينة

سلطان المحبه
سلطان المحبه
السلام عليكم
ياخ عجيب
ممكن تعطينى معلمات اكثر عن طريقه السفر الى البانيا ومستوى المعيشه هناك واسعار الفنادق ؟؟؟؟؟

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