تعلم اللغات الاجنبية المسافرون العرب

أكتشف العالم بين يديك المسافرون العرب أكبر موقع سياحي في الخليج و الوطن العربي ، يحتوى على أكبر محتوى سياحي 350 ألف استفسار و نصائح عن السفر و السياحة, 50 ألف تقرير سياحي للمسافرون العرب حول العالم و أكثر من 50 ألف من الاماكن السياحية و انشطة وفعاليات سياحية ومراكز تسوق وفنادق، المسافرون العرب هو دليل المسافر العربي قبل السفر و اثناء الرحلة. artravelers.com ..
16-12-2022 - 08:46 pm
Question:Are there any among Allah's names we should not describe Him with, address Him by, or adopt as names for ourselves prefixed with `Abd- (servant of...)?
We can address Allah by all of His names. However, a few names should only be mentioned in pairs.
Most of Allah's names can be mentioned on their own, like al-`Azîz (the Mighty), al-Hamîd (the Praiseworthy), al-Hakîm (the Wise), al-Rahîm (the Merciful), al-Halîm (the Gentle), al-Khabîr (the Well-Acquainted), and al-Basîr (the Seeing).
We can call upon Allah by these names and refer to Him by these names.
A few of Allah's names are paired. Each of these name are always found with a complementary name that go with it. These names should only be mentioned along with their corresponding complements.
They include the name al-Dârr (the Bringer of Harm). It should only be mentioned together along its corresponding complement as follows: al-Nâfi` wal-Dârr (the Bringer of Benefit and Harm). Another example is al-Qâbid (the one Who Withholds Sustenance). It should only be mentioned together along its corresponding complement as follows: al-Qâbid wal-Bâsit (the One Who Withholds and Enlarges Sustenance).
If we describe Allah as being "the Bringer of Harm" or "the One Who Withholds" in isolation from their corresponding complementary names, we would be implying a meaning that is false and inaccurate, one that contradicts with His greatness, magnanimity, and perfection.
Therefore, names like these are not to be mentioned in isolation. They belong with their complements and should only be mentioned along with them.
And Allah knows best.
Answered by Sheikh Salman al-Oadah

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